Second Project Update


Source: Pixabay

This past week I was able to start on my analysis for my first work of art.  I've was able to finish an introduction/overview to the work, found the secondary sources that I plan on using for this piece, and have outlined the specific points that I want to go into detail on.  I had been hoping that I would also be able to finish a complete draft of the analysis this week, but I'm still satisfied with how much I was able to get done.  Last week, I had focused on writing my introduction and found it difficult to reach the expected word count.  But, after this week, I'm finding myself less concerned about hitting 6,000 words in the end product.  I was able to briefly revisit my introduction and have found some places to expand on, and I'm also pretty confident that, if the introduction is too short, I'll be able to make up for that in my WOA analyses.  I think I've got google sites figured out, and I finalized how my site's navigation format.  I'm pretty satisfied with where my project is at the moment; I think I've got almost all the little details decided on, and now it's just a matter of tackling the longer analyses.


  1. Hey Melanie, the amount of progress you made on your project this week is great. It sounds like you're making a good amount of progress and have a solid strategy in place. Having a total word count of 6000 words did seem a bit intimidating at first, but after starting it definitely seems doable. Good luck on the continuation of your project, I can’t wait to see updates on it and the final result.

  2. Hey Melanie, it looks like you're off to a really good start. Even though you may have hoped to do more, as long as you're making progress and have a solid plan there's always time to make up or finish things the following week. I encourage you to keep that mindset of not focusing on the 6000 word mark. There's plenty of time and right now the concern should be with the pieces you're working on, not the final product. Good luck with the longer analyses, looking forward to the finished results!

  3. Hey Melanie, it looks like you made great progress with the project and the website this week. The way you planned your project seems to have benefited you and shows that you are on top of everything. The word count of 6000 does seem daunting at first, but once the writing process starts it should come with ease. Good luck with the rest of the project.

  4. Hey Melanie ! From what I have read it looks like you got things under control for the most part, which is great! Personally, word limits make me scared and panicked to write enough and do not focus much on the quality of writing. I recommend to just focus on what you want to put on the website and go back to make it longer if needed! you are doing great and look forward to reading more !

  5. Hi Melanie, it seems you've gotten off to a great start. Even though you had hoped to do more you have a solid plan which wont allow you to fall too far behind as long as you know how much you need to be getting done. Google sites took a me a little while to get sued to as well, creating a website is more complex than I thought. You can always take breaks from sections and go back to add more as your mind may be clearer when re-reading and figure out what exactly you can add.


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