Fourth Project Update


Source: Pixabay

This week, I didn't get much actual writing done.  The majority of the work that I did this week was re-watching movies and TV shows that I want to include in my analyses.  I also spent some time doing research for the next work of art that I'm going to be analyzing and began an outline.  I still think that I'm in a place where if I just keep working steadily, I'll be fine.  However, I feel like the initial motivation I had, in the beginning, to work really hard and get everything done with time to spare is running out quickly.  Even though I have a solid plan and know exactly what I want to write, it's getting more difficult to actually do that as the weeks go by.

I this point, I'm pretty much done with research and have almost finished outlining everything that I'm going to write.  It's just a matter of actually taking the time to write it all and starting to edit some of the older sections, like the historical movement analyses.  Overall, as long as I can keep myself motivated for these last few weeks of the semester, I think I'll be fine.


  1. Hey Melanie, sounds like you will be able to pull this project together in no time! I am also struggling to put content on my website as well and it's not that I don't have research it's its the spare time that's running out too. I believe you will be able to complete the project in a timely fashion and I can't wait to see the final project!

  2. Hey Melanie, I relate to feeling like time is going to run out soon. I'm currently in the position that I am having that wake up moment that this project is due in less than a month. We will both be fine as long as we complete our goals for the project. Our project will be the best they can be because we worked hard on them. Continue to work hard on your project, we got this!

  3. Hello Melanie,
    I'm sorry to hear that the project is taking longer to finish than you anticipated. I don't think it's unusual to find oneself behind schedule while working on a project of this scale, however. As long as you work on it consistently, I'm sure you'll have it finished on time.

  4. That is too bad that you didn't see it taking this long. It is normal to fall behind, it is all about staying a float making sure you can get that done at the end and making sure everything is done and in properly. Taking a chunk of a day out to spend on this is great so you aren't playing catch up the last couple days before it is due.

  5. Hey Melanie, I was in a very similar situation as you last week. I have not gotten too much of my writing in its finalized form, as I have been spending a large majority of my time focusing on the layout of my project and how I want everything to look and come together in the end. Even though you did not necessarily do a ton of writing, it is great that you are still hard at work, doing research for your project!


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