Fifth Project Update


Source: Pixabay

At this point, I've got everything planned out.  All my research and formatting is done and I have some vague outlines for everything I'm going to write.  Now, I just need to finish the actual writing, which, has been extremely slow-going.  In the first couple weeks of this project, I think I was really motivated and was able to write full sections in one sitting.  I really should've taken advantage of that motivation more and knocked out more sections of the project because I'm pretty sure that motivation has run out now.  I'm getting increasingly less work done each week while also having to take increasingly longer and more frequent breaks while writing.  I'm definitely still in a place to be able to finish the project, but I do need to force myself to much more productive than I've been the past couple weeks.  I still have four more sections I need to write for my project, so I'll probably aim to write two or three over the break, one or two the next week, and then hopefully leave the last week of the project for editing.  I think that, as long as I can force myself to take a day and just grind out sections, I should still be on track to finishing.


  1. Hey Melanie, it’s great that you have everything planned out for the upcoming weeks. I agree that the motivation aspect has been a bit difficult, but we are in the home stretch now. I’m glad though that even with the lack of motivation this week that you still feel confident about finishing on time. I believe that you can push through this lull and finish with plenty of spare time to edit and revise your work. I can’t wait to see the completed version of your project and I hope the following weeks go by smoothly.

  2. Hi Melanie, I totally understand the feeling of being less motivated the closer we get to the end of the semester. Although the writing may be going slower, as long as you stick to the plan you’ve mentioned like finishing 2-3 pieces for the week it will probably seem a lot more manageable. I take a ton of breaks while writing too, but you seem confident with the time you have left so I’m sure you’ll get everything done with time to edit.

  3. Hi Melanie, I feel the opposite, actually, though I understand where you're coming from. Normally by this point I would also be losing motivation and starting to slack but I have a strict plan I need to follow to finish this project since I got a late start. I agree that as long as you force yourself to just sit and do the work it will be better than taking a break one day and having to catch up the next day and do more and more.


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