First Project Update


Source: Pixabay 

Overall, I think that my project is going in the right direction.  I have a pretty clear idea of how I'm going to move forward and have mostly settled on the layouts I want to use.  While my long-term plan for working on the project isn't very detailed, I have an idea about how much I want to get done each week.  Although, I wasn't able to get as much accomplished this week as I had thought I would be able to, mostly in terms of word count.  I'm finding that, even after I think I've fully developed the idea, the piece that I was writing ends up being much shorter than I imagined it would end up being.  This is unusual for me because, in initial drafts, I tend to be wordy and over-explain, having to cut out sentences, and sometimes full paragraphs because they're too repetitive.  I'm left wondering if this is good thing, and I'm actually being concise for once, or if I'm under-developing the ideas in my writing.  Either way, I'm no longer concerned about how my ideas will fit together or what form of presentation to use; I've got that mostly figured out.  However, I am starting to grow concerned about being able to hit a high enough total word count by the end of the project.


  1. Hey Melanie, I can relate to the trouble having to reach the word count while trying not to sound repetitive. I usually have the trouble of not being very detailed enough. I find that while my struggle isn't too far off from yours, I usually like to introduce a new point that I might not have thought of while I was writing. Maybe you can go back to the piece a week or two from when you worked on it and see if you can add a new point you didn't think of while writing. Good luck with your project!

  2. Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts with us here, Melanie! I'll try to address some of these concerns when I take a look at your project this week to give feedback. Either way, your awareness of this issue is a great start and being thoughtful about the depth and breadth of your responses now will serve you well as you move through the project. Be sure to mention this to your peers feedback group members, too, as they can give some feedback on places you might expand your ideas, as well as where the writing is effectively concise!

  3. Hey Melanie,
    I can definitely relate to trying not to sound repetitive and trying to expand on my ideas. The best way that I found that works is by writing multiple sentences about an idea and seeing if it significant or what role does it play with my paragraph or theme. Maybe try this method out and start to write a piece about it for your final and see if this helps with the project or help bring new ideas for the project. Good luck!

  4. Hello Melanie,
    I sympathize with the issue of writing too concisely. It can be frustrating to be forced to water down or otherwise arbitrarily lengthen a piece of writing in order to satisfy a word count. That being said, I wouldn't be overly concerned about the amount of content you have on the website at this stage in the process. I think it's more important to strategize and come up with a general structure for your website to follow.

  5. Hi Melanie,
    I agree with trying to not sound repetitive and I'm sure everyone else in the class can also relate. The point of this project is definitely analyzing as much as possible which is probably why the word count is so high. Hopefully you chose something that interests you and you find you can ramble about in conversations daily and it will transfer to your writing. Good luck!


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