Brainstorming Project Ideas

Source: Pixaby
While I find the premise of the project very interesting, I'm finding it difficult to connect art that I would consume on a daily basis to current cultural movements.  I don't watch a lot of movies or listen to a lot of music that have been released within the past decade.  Most of what I've been currently watching has been anime, which, coming from another country, doesn't typically reflect the cultural movements that are occurring in the US.  Anime is also usually an adaptation of manga (which is kind of like a graphic novel), so it would most likely take a few years for the current global issue (i.e. pandemic) to be reflected in the medium.

I did have one idea that might be able to connect anime to issues in the US.  The show My Hero Academia is one of the most popular anime right now, especially in western countries.  One of the theories for why it became so popular internationally is that the themes presented are more familiar to western audiences than most other anime.  The manga writer had taken inspiration from western superhero movies and Star Wars and mixed that with themes and tropes that are common in anime.  I think that this show would be a great example of globalization.  I'm not entirely sure where I could take this further.  I'll probably try to find more anime, or other international pieces of art that mix cultural inspirations to show the effect of globalization on art


  1. I love this idea! Your brainstorm resulted in some excellent threads you can pull on for this project. Part of the reason I wanted us to learn about the historical movements but not linger on them too long is to allow for time in the now where there really are new rules and boundaries. While traditional education focuses on the west, your comments regarding globalism are reflective of not only the realities of modern living but also a more inclusive perspective on the arts. Definitely go with this concept and let me know if/how I can help you develop it further!


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